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Important Information for the start of term

Please Note: Attachments will be in your inbox. The blog is to provide a second source for you to find information and correspondence.

- Choir Admin

I'm really looking forward to the new term so all the music making can begin again. This email contains further information about the Hampshire County Youth Choirs in readiness for the first rehearsals. Items 5, 6 and 7 need a response please, by 20 September.

1. I’ve attached an updated list of choir members. This will be used to release the membership payment requests, which will be with you shortly.

2. I’ve attached another copy of the HCYCs calendar for 2016/17. The only change so far is that there will be no rehearsal for the Training and Youth Choirs on Friday 14 October as many members of these groups will be performing with the Show Choir at the Great Hall that evening.

3. Show Choir music for this concert has been recorded by Kim Seagrove and is on the HMS website. Please could members have a listen and get used to their parts before the first rehearsal. Go to and use the username hmsstudent and the password learningzone. Music will be provided on 9 September.

4. A reminder that the first rehearsal for Junior Choir is on Friday 16 September.

5. A new Profile Form is attached. Please complete this form electronically and email to by 20 September. If your child is a member of more than one ensemble, please indicate in the box on the form. You do not need to complete multiple forms for one child.

6. Our “Expectations” document is attached (This can also be found on our membership page) – this is the contract between HMS and choir members/parents. Please use the link below to accept this, by 20 September.

7. Sunday workshops in the first half term. Please use the link below to let us know whether you are able to make these. Please bring a packed lunch. A short performance, for parents and friends, will take place at 3.30pm on each workshop day.

8. If you need to get a message to any of the Choir staff, during office hours please contact the HMS office and ask to speak to Georgina Holder, who is my PA (023 8065 2037 or email: ). She is also the HMS Support Team lead for all things to do with HCYC. Alternatively email

9. HCYCs have a new bespoke mobile telephone. This will be held mostly by Kerry Kenward, who has bravely agreed to support the administration and organisation of the choirs. Outside office hours urgent messages can be left for Kerry on this, by phoning 07768 648175, or emailing

10. The HCYC Friends Association will be serving drinks during Friday rehearsals. These will be available at 5.45pm, 6.40pm and 8pm and cost 20p per cup. If anyone can offer to help staff a rota on Fridays to help with refreshments please contact Anne Reece, who would love to hear from you - Thank you to Anne for agreeing to take on this important role.

11. The Friends of Hampshire County Youth Choir are registered on the

Anyone who shops online can financially support the Friends at no cost to themselves. Please encourage all family and friends to sign-up to Easy Fundraising and a percentage of all your online shopping will be donated to the Friends. Most high street and online retailers support this scheme, including John Lewis, M & S, Next, Homebase, Amazon, eBay and many, many more. So far £409.36 has been raised, which would buy one of the choirs a new set of music.

12. HCYCs have a new Facebook page - Hampshire County Youth Choir ( Follow us on our new Twitter account @HampshireHCYC

Apologies for the lengthy email and thank you for making it this far!

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time if you would like further information about any of the Hampshire Music Service provision.

I can’t wait to hear all the choirs as they develop this term.

Best wishes



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