Mini Tour For Junior Choir
Dear Parents and Members
As promised here are the final details for our Mini Tour on Friday 21 June 2019.
We have made the difficult decision not to include the Training Choir in our tour this year. This is for many reasons but primarily due to the apologies that I have already received for this date, so on this occasion we will only be taking Junior Choir. Requests for absence have already been sent directly to your schools. Training choir rehearsal will happen as normal on this date.
We will be meeting a coach at South Winchester P&R, Hockley Link, Winchester SO21 2FG, at 9.30am.
We will then be visiting;
Kings Worthy Primary School
The Westgate Lower School (where we will have lunch)
St Bede's CE Primary School
St Peter's Catholic Primary School
The coach will then take us and drop us at The United Reform Church for our Open Evening. This really will be run as a relaxed and fun day of singing. We realise that it is quite a long day but there will be plenty of down time in between schools.
You will then be able to collect your members at the slightly earlier time of 5.30pm from our normal rehearsal venue.
Please make sure to bring;
Uniform (it is probably best you arrive in your uniform as there will be nowhere to change)
Bottled Water
Packed Lunch and snacks for later in the day
At each school we will deliver a 20/25 minute concert aimed at involving the pupils and raising awareness of the choirs and membership. There will be a chance for a break after each school and hopefully it should be quite a fun day!
If you have any queries please get in touch.